Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Asimo VS Hubo

Asimo VS Hubo

i know, some of you come here is for searching who is the best robot in the world. i'm interested with robot since my friend told me how good the robot is. now i have 2 robot from different country. it's Asimo from japan and Hubo from korea. we're gonna see who is the best robot in this world. take a look

asimo is a very special robot in japan.
they made it in 2000 november in honda company.
it's take 15 years to make it.
the cost to make it is about 300 billion won.

the height is about 120 cm (the new version is 130 cm)
the weight is about 52 kg (the new version is 54 kg)
the eyes is using CCT camera.
the battery is in his back like a backpack.
it can used for 30 minutes (the new version is 1 hour)
the body is using metal plus magnesium.
it has 5 finger, but because it only have one motor, it cannot move 1 by 1.
the ankle is moved by 20 motor from it's hands until it's legs.

it can walk for 1,6 km per hour (the new version is 2,5 km per hour)
it can run for 6 km per hour

the best thing from asimo is, he can walk in the stairs!!! do you know? walking in the stairs is more difficult than walking in the flat land? asimo is the only robot that can walk in the stairs
now let's talk about Hubo!

hubo is a robot from korea.
they made it in institution of science in 2004.
it's takes 3 years to make it.
the cost to make it is about 1 million won.

the height is about 120 cm.
the weight is about 55 kg.
the eyes is use CCT camera and can move one by one.
the battery is in it chest.
it can used in 90 minutes.
the body is made by polyetilen.
it have five finger and can move one by one.
there is 41 motor that putted in all of it ankle.

it can walk 1.25 km per hour.
it still can't run.

it hand can cut something because it can move one by one.
it can identified people sounds.

that's all about robot that i know. i think asimo is the best because it can walk in stairs.

thank you to reading in my blog.

by: jordy, matthew and alando
soutces: why book about robot

8 komentar:

  1. This is a nice article, keep on writing this article, because this is an informative article. I agree that both Hubo and Asimo is one of the best robots in the world, but you better tell us is this best base on your opinion or the book that you use. Check again your grammatical mistakes and mispelled words, etc.

  2. I'm agree with cyberbullyingviatitter(Leon's group) but I think I choose Hubo better somehow. This article is awesome! I like it 'coz it's telling about robots and I do interested in robots. Keep up!

  3. ASIMO walks at a speed of 2.7km/hour(new version)and which version of HUBO are you talking about because the new HUBO (HUBO2) is 130cm tall, weighs 45kg, walks at 1.4km/h and runs at 3.3km/h (I got the information from the official website of the developers of the robots).

  4. Yeah, i agree with xenot and for additional information the HONDA Asimo run at 6 KM/H. I suggest the Writer of this Article to be more specific about the Technical Information, and also check for your grammatical mistakes and mispelled words.

  5. And by the way, the latest version of HUBO(the HUBO 2 KHR-4) is able to operate for 2 Hours, Weight 45 KG,and 1.25 M Tall,and it also acquired the ability to run at 3.6 km/h. But overall, I still prefer the HONDA Asimo.

  6. I understand all Asimo is better thing but you see, it took Japan !5 years to make a robot that good and they spent too much money in to it. On the other hand it took Korea to make Hubo just in 3 years. So It seems to me that Korea has better tech because they made one robot that is as good just in short years... Thats what I think.

  7. freak'n idiots, don't you know developing something new is a lot greater strain than simply copying? seriously. also the article never talks about asimo's artificial intelligence that actually controls the robot. hubo is programmed and cannot function without a controller. i'm not saying japan is better than korea but what i am saying is that if korea wants to one up japan, it better stop looking like japan and be the better ass wiper.
